Canada Moonseed Vine
Menispermum canadense
A member of the Moonseed family, Menispermum takes off quickly once established. This unusual woody vine has broad, roundish, lobed shiny green leaves and will twine its way up a fence or thicket edge. Flowers are whitish-green, small & almost inconspicuous. The rootstock has been used as a tonic, alterative, diuretic, purgative and to treat gout. Spreads by runners aggressively, but useful in restoration and produces a quick vertical presence in the landscape.
Type: Vine
Height: 6-12 Feet
Blooms: Jun to July
Bloom Colour: White
Growth Conditions
Light: Full to Part Shade
Soil: Moist, Sandy/Gravel & Loam/Oragnic Soil
Habitat: Moist Woods & Thickets