Arrow-leaved Aster
Symphyotrichum urophyllum
Aster urophyllus
Aster sagittifolius
Arrow-leaf aster is a tough and reliable perennial wildflower that often grows along forest edges or in sunny open spaces. It thrives in well-drained sandy or loamy soil and can tolerate a range of moisture conditions from dry to moist. In late summer and fall, it produces clusters of creamy panicle flowers attractive to pollinators seeking nectar during the cooler months. The flowers can vary in colour from pale pink to lilac, adding a touch of softness to the autumn garden.
With a mature height of up to 1.5m, Arrow-leaf aster pairs well with other late-season bloomers, such as golden Solidago or purple Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, for a dazzling display of autumn colour.